Have you noticed that goldfinches are beginning to turn yellow?


 Unlike most songbirds that molt once a year, goldfinches molt twice a year – in early spring and again in late summer. In early spring male goldfinches replace their dullish olive brown feathers with flashy yellow feathers. Their foreheads also turn black. Female goldfinches also molt twice a year, just not into bright yellow feathers. Female birds in general are duller in color because they sit on nests and need to be more camouflaged so not to attract predators.

If you look closely at goldfinches this time of year you will notice that not only their feathers are changing color. In the fall and winter months male and female goldfinch beaks and legs are dark gray, but in the spring and summer months they turn a pretty orange.

I took this photo of goldfinches eating sunflower chips from several of my feeders. Although traditionally at our feeders, goldfinches’ favorite food has been nyjer/thistle seed, we are now finding that they seem to prefer sunflower chips. I am filling the two dinner bell feeders with sunflower chips several times a day – the dome height is adjustable and can be set to keep out larger birds like grackles and starlings! The dome is also great for keeping the seed dry on rainy days. We sell the dome feeders at our store, but unfortunately not on our website.

In the WBU Quick-Clean Medium Finch tube feeder, I have replaced njyer seed with finely chopped sunflower seeds. Here is a link to this and other finch feeders https://order.wbu.com/sudbury/bird-feeders/finch-feeders

I added the weather guard to help keep the seed dry. Here is a link to the weather guard https://order.wbu.com/sudbury/bird-feeders/feeder-accessories/weather-guard