How Do Birds Survive The Winter Cold?

Just as we rely on coats, hats and gloves to keep us warm, birds employ a number of methods to survive the kind of cold weather we experience in winter.

Birds adjust their feathers to create air pockets to keep warm. You've probably seen them looking all puffed up of late and that's because they are fluffing up their feathers to allow more air next to their bodies. The more air space, the better the insulation! 

Small birds conserve energy overnight by decreasing their body temperature. This is called controlled hypothermia. Chickadees drop their body temperature by about 12 to 15 degrees, allowing them to conserve about 25% of their energy every hour!!

Most birds also shiver for short term adjustment to cold. Shivering converts muscular energy into heat, but that energy needs to be quickly replenished! While birds can withstand most winter weather, their survival can be made easier when we provide them food; especially fatty, high-energy foods (peanuts, tree nuts, suet, black-oil sunflower seeds).

An open water source is always important for birds and at this time of year that can mean a heated birdbath. Natural plant cover or a roosting box that provides protection from the elements can also be vitally important!

Want to help your birds stay warm as the temperature drops? Come on into the store and let us show you how!